Authors are invited to submit papers in the following categories:
- Extended abstracts of up to 15 pages describing original results,
work in progress, or future directions of research.
System descriptions of up to 10 pages, describing new systems or
significant upgrades of existing ones, especially including
experiments; sources and manuals of systems will have to be
freely available online.
Presentation-only papers, describing work recently published
or submitted (no page limit). These will not be included in the
proceedings, but pre-prints or post-prints can be made available to
participants. We see this as a way to provide additional access to
important developments that FTP Workshop attendees may be unaware of.
Authors are encouraged to use LaTeX and the standard article
class/style file (10pt or 11pt). The first page should contain the
title, the authors' names, e-mail and postal addresses.
Submissions are now closed
Submissions will be reviewed by at least two referees, possibly
more, and will be evaluated on their significance, technical merit,
and relevance to the workshop.
Accepted submissions will be published as
CEUR Workshop Proceedings and will be distribted at the workshop.
As for the previous editions of FTP, a journal special issue is
planned after the workshop. The submission will be open to papers
on First-Order Theorem Proving.